Un Dimanche Pourri, 2010. |
Masqué ou Demasqué, 2010. |
Friend, 2010. |
Flower Bite, 2010. |
Emprise, 2010. |
Smoking Room, 2010. |
Rainbow Man, 2010. |
Battle, 2010. |
MDM2 (miao.......), 2010. |
# 2, 2010. |
Bu, 2010. |
La Pénultiéme. Collage with Jay Maude's photograph. (original photograph here) |
Ummm, piece of mind, 2010. |
V, 2010. |
Soleil Ténébreux, 2011. |
422. "Banhar-se em Erva, Deitada na Erva" - M, 2011. |
O, 2011. |
La Dolce Vita, 2011. |
Un Mardi Orinaire, Un Bleu Fatigué et un Rose Dérangé, 2011. |
The Space Between, 2011. |
Sublime Banalité, 2011. |
Saudade, 2012. |
La Recontre, ou my Golconda, 2012. |
D'espoir et de Tendresse 2, 2012. |
Sublime Banalité, ou le bateau ivre, 2012. |
D.O.P.E, 2012. |
Les Pensées Croisées 2, 2012. |
Les Pensées Croisées, 2012. |
Au deuxiéme temps de la valse. on et deux tu est dans mes bras, 2013. |
1206 miles of desert, 2013. |
Wonder, yaya, 2013. |
Bonjour Tristesse, entre nººs, 2013 |
Neuf, 2013. |
Neuf, 2013. |
Rery - Yiching Lin was born in Taiwan, works and lives in Paris, France
The graceful lines, the uncompromising colors blocks and the opposition of black and white, as negative inverted mark the universe Yiching Lin, better known as Rery. She makes a dream world that feeds the contrast and the opposition of the universe that are growing as much as they revealed: East and West, imagination and pragmatism, the spontaneity of sketches and the perfecting possibility of digital art. Her work reflects fascination with existing cultural confrontations and diversity. While her vision of the world may be like that of a child - pure and naive - her comprehensive background is covered and enriched with multicultural sophistication and a sense of appreciation: the clichés of society, emotions of everyday life, people she loves or meets, her daydreams and nightmares... Content curator and influencer on the social media Tumblr, Rery is also the creator of the art site Artchipel.
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